Alaska and the year that was 2022-23
by Martin Krause
It's been almost a year since we closed the practice in North Sydney, so I thought I would like to let you know that I'm back in the country for the foreseeable future and would love to treatt your clients once again, albeit from my little practice whci I'm running from home. Below is a little synopsis of what I've been up to since closing the practice in North Sydney and opening in Cremorne
II've managed to do a few big trips - one with my father to Germany and Austria, in May/June where we walked 430km in 23 days, which was on the back of a 10 day hiking tour in the South West of Western Australia back in November 2022. Another trip involved 17 days of Pack Rafting and hiking in the wilderness of northern Alaska. 25 days without a bed. Driving a day, and two light planes later, we commenced our trip on the Continental Divide, about 100km south east of the Bering Sea, paddling 400km down the Alatna River, From Arctic Tundra to Boreal Forest. Also hiked into the Arrigetch Peaks of the Brooks Range - described as the Yosemite of Alaska and also known as one of the remotest valleys on the planet. Scaled three mountains and came face to face with the mythical tundra Grizzly on our second night. The myth (we thought to scare Australians) being the cross breeding between Grizzly and Polar Bear. I had to talk it down ('hey bear, hey bear' whilst doing star jumps) as I was nowhere near the bear spray (on my life jacket) whilst the other three, in my party. were in the cooking area some 100m away, with the gun, A Grizzly 30 feet away is on you in 30 seconds!! Amazing looking creature - whitish blond with a golden back (almost like the sun was shining out of it) with these amazing rastapharian like dreadlocks coming off it's back. I always contested every animal understands German - or at least the notion and intent, as he stopped, listened for about 3-5 minutes, then pawed his nose and turned around and walked back up the embankment. My biggesty criticsim - 'no photo!!!'
Address is : 19 Ellalong Rd, Cremorne NSW 2090. Telephone : 0490 781 001
I hope you and your family are all well.
All the best for now